The catalyst for the big strip came when I got a visit from my Dad... We started talking about the Lammy and I said I was waiting for some cash in order to start the rebuilding process. I need to get the scooter Acid dipped to remove the Indian paint and crap that have built up over the years, but I estimated it would cost £80 - £100, which is money I would rather use for going on rallies with.
The idiot in the picture is my son, Scott, a challenged individual who usually does nothing... This looked like fun, though, so he offered to help.
So anyway, back to the story... My dad then game me a oner for my Christmas present, which he said I should use to get it stripped... So I did. I started that afternoon and by the end of the day, the scooter was all but stripped down. I know that this is the easy bit, but there is an immense feeling of achievement in looking at a pile of components which was formerly a rolling scooter... I will be replacing all of the nuts and bolts with Stainless Steel items, so there was no need to be careful with their removal. Some particularly stubborn ones were hacksawed off but most have been retained in my "Big box of Shite". The components I will be reusing are in there too, in the plastic tubs you get Chinese meals in... I love Chinese, so I have managed to acquire quite a few of these, which is handy! The lids are also useful for writing on, which means that (theoretically, at least) I should have a chance of finding these components when I later need them.
Just out of shot in the first picture is the original "Big box of Shite". This has been upgraded to a plastic model with wheels, though, after a rain related incident compromised it's integrity. It is pictured to the right, along with my catalogued Chinese boxes.
If you are wondering where the front wheel and hub went, this was donated to Matt from our club (the Pogue Mahone Scooter Club) for Ange's Lambretta project. I have a replacement unit anyway, so it was surplus to requirements. Matt also polished my air scoop, so I owed him one...
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