Monday, 16 March 2009

I have light, now for the heat!

My brother gave me a wood burning stove, and he came over yesterday to help me to fit it. I cleaned the stove thoroughly (wearing out 3 wire brush attachments in the process), to get it back to bare metalIt took about 15 hours to get it all done, as it was quite rusty in some places. And Cath at work supplied the chimney... Well, her dad did. Thanks for that, Cath's dad!

So, we cut a big hole in the roof, installed a collar (meant for barges, incidentally), manhandled the stove into position, then put the chimney in. A load of fire cement later, and we were ready for the test... Fired up the stove, and the job, as they say, is a good one!

The shot shows the back of my workshop, while the other shot below shows the front (the door end). The final shot is the window wall which contains my workbenches and drill station.

So what do you think? I like it, and it is light, warm (or hot, most of the time) and it even has a disco ball in the middle of the ceiling!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

When's the shed warming party! All us students can bring a paintbrush and some beer of course, it'll be a work of art when we've finished!